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General Instructions:

  1. The clock will be set at the server. The countdown timer at the top right corner of screen will display the remaining time available for you to complete the examination. When the timer reaches zero, the examination will end by itself. You need not terminate the examination or submit your paper.

  2. The Question Palette displayed on the right side of screen will show the status of each question using one of the following symbols:

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    • You have not answered the question.
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    • You have answered the question.
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Navigating to a Question :
  1. To answer a question, do the following:

    1. Click on the question number in the Question Palette at the right of your screen to go to that numbered question directly. Note that using this option does NOT save your answer to the current question.
    2. Click on Save & Next to save your answer for the current question and then go to the next question.
    3. Click on Mark for Review & Next to save your answer for the current question and also mark it for review , and then go to the next question.

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You can view all the questions by clicking on the Question Paper button. This feature is provided, so that if you want you can just see the entire question paper at a glance.

Answering a Question :

  1. Procedure for answering a multiple choice (MCQ) type question:

    1. Choose one answer from the 4 options (A,B,C,D) given below the question, click on the bubble placed before the chosen option.
    2. To deselect your chosen answer, click on the bubble of the chosen option again or click on the Clear Response Erase Answer button
    3. To change your chosen answer, click on the bubble of another option.
    4. To save your answer, you MUST click on the Save & Next
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    1. To enter a number as your answer, use the virtual numerical keypad.
    2. A fraction (e.g. -0.3 or -.3) can be entered as an answer with or without "0" before the decimal point. As many as four decimal points, e.g. 12.5435 or 0.003 or -932.6711 or 12.82 can be entered.
    3. To clear your answer, click on the Clear Response button
    4. To save your answer, you MUST click on the Save & Next
  3. Procedure for answering a multiple correct answers (MCAQ) type question

    1. Choose one or more answers from the 4 options (A,B,C,D) given below the question, click on the bubble placed before the chosen option.
    2. To deselect your chosen answer, click on the checkbox of the chosen option again
    3. To clear your marked responses, click on the Clear Response button
    4. To save your answer, you MUST click on the Save & Next button
  4. To mark a question for review, click on the Mark for Review & Next button. If an answer is selected (for MCQ/MCAQ) entered (for numerical answer type) for a question that is Marked for Review , that answer will be considered in the evaluation unless the status is modified by the candidate.

  5. To change your answer to a question that has already been answered, first select that question for answering and then follow the procedure for answering that type of question.

  6. Note that ONLY Questions for which answers are saved or marked for review after answering will be considered for evaluation.

  7. Sections in this question paper are displayed on the top bar of the screen. Questions in a Section can be viewed by clicking on the name of that Section. The Section you are currently viewing will be highlighted.

  8. After clicking the Save & Next button for the last question in a Section, you will automatically be taken to the first question of the next Section in sequence.

  9. You can move the mouse cursor over the name of a Section to view the answering status for that Section.


Duration: 10 min
Maximun Marks: 50
list of dynamic instructions


+0 -0
Question: 1

The average age of a class of 6 girls is x years. Four new girls having ages x – 2, x + 2, x + 4 and x + 6 joins the class. What is the new average age (in years) of the class?

Question: 2
After giving a discount of 44% a cycle is sold for Rs 17920. What is the marked price (in Rs) of the cycle?
Question: 3
At 30% discount the selling price of an article is Rs 1050. What is the selling price (in Rs) if the discount is 15%?
Question: 4
What is the arithmetic mean of first 20 odd natural numbers?
Question: 5
The number of pupils of a class is 55. The ratio of the number of male pupils to the number of female pupils is 5: 6. The number of female pupils is
Question: 6
A sum of Rs 400 becomes Rs 448 at simple interest in 2 years. In how many years will the sum of Rs 550 amounts to Rs 682 at the same rate?
Question: 7

Directions : What approximate value should come in place of question mark (?) in each of the following question? (Note: You are not expected to calculate the exact value).

Question: 8
How long does a train, 105 m long, moving at 70 km/hr take to pass a certain signal post?
Question: 9
A cistern, 6 m long and 4 m wide, contains water up to a depth of 1 m 75 cm. The total area of the wet surface is
Question: 10
24 women can complete a work in 45 days. If 18 women are employed, then in how many days the work would be completed?
Question: 11

The angle of elevation of the top of a mountain at the foot of a church is and the angle of elevation of the top of the church at the foot of the mountain is If the church is 30v3 m tall, the height of the mountain is

Question: 12

is a right angled triangle, the radius of its circumcircle is 4cm and the length of its altitude drawn from the opposite vertex to the hypotenuse is 2cm. Then the area of the triangle is

Question: 13
A moving train passes a platform 50 meter long in 14 seconds and a lamp post in 10 second. The speed of the train is-: (in m/s)
Question: 14
The average age of Akhil, Parag and Monty is 24years. 2 year ago, average age of Akhil and Monty was 23yrs. 2yrs hence average age of Parag and Monty is 26 years. Find the present age of Monty?
Question: 15


Question: 16

What is the value of

Question: 17
Find the LCM of 110, 220, 330
Question: 18

Question: 19

The ratio of the angles of a Rhombus ABCD is 4 : 5 (ABCD is not a square). Find the value of

Question: 20

The diagonal of a cube is v75 cm. Its volume will be

Question: 21
0.5, 4, 8, 32, 128, 512, 2048
Question: 22

The simplification of

Question: 23
Two numbers are 10% and 20% lesser than a third number respectively. By how much percent is the second number should be enhanced to make it equal to the first number?
Question: 24
Raza purchases an item by paying Rs.3363. He gets a discount of 5% on it. After getting the discount, he also pays GST of 18%. Find the Marked Price of the item Raza purchased.
Question: 25
A radio manufacture fixed the selling price of radio as Rs. 420, enhancing 40% of the cost of production but allowed 16% discount to his customer during sale. The profit in this transaction is?
Question: 1
If Usha is taller than Nisha. Nisha is taller than Asha. Alka is taller than Usha. Harsha is shorter than Asha. then who among them is the tallest?
Question: 2
Priya`s birthday is on Tuesday 11th April. On what day of the week will be Rani`s Birthday in the same year if Rani was born on 31st August?
Question: 3
In the following question, select the number which can be placed at the sign of question mark (?) from the given alternatives.
Question: 4
In the given figure, how many books are fiction?
Question: 5
DIRECTION: In this following question, select the related letters/word/numbers from the given alternatives.
6 : 64 : : 11 : ?
Question: 6
Select the option that is related to the third letter-pair in the same way as the second letter-pair is related to the first letter-pair.
PM : UT : : RU : ?
Question: 7
DIRECTION : Select the related letter/word/number from the given alternatives.
Elephant : Tusk : : Parrot : ?
Question: 8
DIRECTION: In this question, find the odd number/letters/ number pair from the given alternatives.
Question: 9
DIRECTION: In questions, find the odd words /letters / number pair from the given alternatives.
Question: 10
DIRECTION: In the following question, select the one which is different from the other three responses.
Question: 11
DIRECTION : In the question below, a series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
AE, FJ, KO, ? UY
Question: 12
In each of the questions below, two statements are given, followed by two conclusions which may or may not follow. From the options below, choose the one that reflects the correct choice of conclusions that follow.
Statement A: Mercury is the only liquid metal.
Statement B: Metals are good conductors of electricity.
1. Metals are mostly not liquid.
2. Mercury is a good conductor of electricity.
Question: 13
DIRECTION: In the following question, a series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
2, 8, 18, 32, 50, ?
Question: 14
Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following?
1. Implementation
2. Conceptual Modelling
3. Requirements Analysis
4. Logical Modelling
5. Physical Model
6. Schema Refinement
Question: 15
In a certain code language, "SUN is written as "54" and "PUT" is written as "57". How is "CAT" Written in that code language?
Question: 16
In a certain language PARDON is coded as 7@#$3! and ISCOT is coded as 8*&3% How is PRISON written in that code?
Question: 17
If `A + B` means `A is brother of B`, `A – B` means `A is sister of B`, `A * B` means `A is father of B`, `A ÷ B` means `A is mother of B`, then which of the following option signifies that P is grandmother of Q?
Question: 18
Raju starts walking in north direction and walks a distance of 9 meters. Now he tooks a right turn and walk 5 m. Again he takes a right turn and walk 20m and reached a point Q. Find the distance between starting point and Q and in which direction is the person from the initial point.
Question: 19
The statements to be true even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follows from the given statements.
I. All wheat are grain.
II. Some wheat are flour.
I. Some grain are flour.
II. Some flour are wheat.
Question: 20
Which of the following assumptions follow?
Statement : Is ‘Maruti Car’ twice as fuel efficient as an ordinary car?
Assumption I : A large number of people use ‘Maruti Car’.
Assumption II : The sale of ‘Maruti Car’ has increased.
Question: 21
How many rectangles are there in the given figure?
Question: 22
From the given answer figure, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded.
Question: 23
DIRECTIONS : Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure?
Question Figure :
Question: 24
If a mirror is placed on the line MN, then which of the answer figures is the right image of the given figure?
Question: 25
Two position of a cube are shown below. What will come opposite to face containing ‘&’?
Question: 1
Direction: Find out the error, if any in question given in each set. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)
Anyone that practises to spot common (a) / errors regularly (b) / can definitely pass any (c) / competitive examination (d) / No error (e).
Question: 2
Directions : In this question, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the word given in bold.
Question: 3
Directions : In this question, choose the word opposite in meaning to the word given in bold.
Question: 4
Directions : In this question, choose the word opposite in meaning to the word given in bold.
Question: 5
Directions : In this question, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.
To banish or turn out of society and fellowship
Question: 6
Directions : In this question, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.
Being afraid of water or being near water
Question: 7
Directions : In this question, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.
The Cauvery water issue led to apple of discord between the two Governments.
Question: 8
Directions : In this question, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.
wear the green willow
Question: 9
Directions : In this question, four words are given out of which only one is misspelt. Find that mis-spelt word.
Question: 10
Directions : In this question, four words are given out of which only one is misspelt. Find that mis-spelt word.
Question: 11
Rearrange the following sentences in proper sequence to from a meaningful paragraph.
The burden of
P: another issue tha
Q: the GST aims to redress
R: regressive taxes is
Question: 12
Direction: Find out the error, if any in question given in each set. If there is no error, the answer is (e), i.e. No error. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if)
After he had read the two first chapters (a)/ of the novel (b)/ he felt like reading (c)/ the book at one sitting. (d)/ No error (e)
Question: 13
Rearrange the following sentences in proper sequence to from a meaningful paragraph.
It is high time
P. about the cost and
Q. the government started thinking
R. quality of power supply
Question: 14
Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.
Arabia is a …………(1) sandy desert. At day time, the sand becomes fiery. There are springs here and there (2) which grass, fig and palm trees grow and make a cool, shady (3) where the Arabs live in easily movable tents. They move from place to place in (4 ) of food. They load the (5) and move for miles as if he is the ship of the desert.
Question: 15
Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.
Arabia is a (1) sandy desert. At day time, the sand becomes fiery. There are springs here and there …………(2) which grass, fig and palm trees grow and make a cool, shady (3) where the Arabs live in easily movable tents. They move from place to place in (4 ) of food. They load the (5) and move for miles as if he is the ship of the desert.
Question: 16
Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.
Arabia is a (1) sandy desert. At day time, the sand becomes fiery. There are springs here and there (2) which grass, fig and palm trees grow and make a cool, shady …………(3) where the Arabs live in easily movable tents. They move from place to place in (4 ) of food. They load the (5) and move for miles as if he is the ship of the desert.
Question: 17
Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.
Arabia is a (1) sandy desert. At day time, the sand becomes fiery. There are springs here and there (2) which grass, fig and palm trees grow and make a cool, shady (3) where the Arabs live in easily movable tents. They move from place to place in …………(4 ) of food. They load the (5) and move for miles as if he is the ship of the desert.
Question: 18
Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.
Arabia is a (1) sandy desert. At day time, the sand becomes fiery. There are springs here and there (2) which grass, fig and palm trees grow and make a cool, shady (3) where the Arabs live in easily movable tents. They move from place to place in (4 ) of food. They load the …………(5) and move for miles as if he is the ship of the desert.
Question: 19
Directions : In these questions, a part of the sentence is in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at 1, 2 and 3 which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer is
Can you please give me some leave?
Question: 20
Directions : In these questions, a part of the sentence is in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at 1, 2 and 3 which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer is
He behaves like coward.
Question: 21
Directions: In these questions, the sentences have been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice.
Sameer shut the door with a bang.
Question: 22
Directions: In these questions, the sentences have been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice.
She often praises me.
Question: 23
Directions: In the following question, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect Speech. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct Speech.
The teacher said to the boys, “Can you sit still and do you work?”
Question: 24
Directions: In this question, sentence is given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four alternatives.
Suitable steps are taken to bring ______ the cost of living.
Question: 25
Directions: In this question, sentence is given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four alternatives.
It was very hot, you ______ your jackets.
Question: 1
Which of the following is a Harappan port?
Question: 2
The term stagflation refers to a situation where
Question: 3
A firm is a price taker under.
Question: 4
To measure the intensity of Tornadoes we use
Question: 5
The World`s longest river is :
Question: 6
Synclines and anticlines are the terms associated with:
Question: 7
The Vijaya Stambha at Chittor was built by
Question: 8
Who is the author of Harry Potter Book Series ?
Question: 9
Bacteria was first discovered by
Question: 10
Who, out of the following, was the first recipient of Bharat Ratna Award ?
Question: 11
Who provides fixed line telephone services with numbers starting with 5 ?
Question: 12
The saliva helps in the digestion of
Question: 13
What is common between the cricketers - Gul Mohammad, Abdul Hafeezkardar and Amir Elahi ?
Question: 14
Which one of the following is correctly matched?
Question: 15
Which political party formally accepted the Cabinet Mission Plan on 6th June. 1946. which had rejected the demand for a sovereign Pakistan?
Question: 16
Name the property of matter due to which a body continues to be in its state of rest or uniform motion unless an external force acts on it:
Question: 17
By which Constitutional Amendment the number of Central Ministers has been limited to 15% of the total number of the members of the Lok Sabha?
Question: 18
Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists.
Question: 19
Based on the concept of Mendel`s law of segregation, the germ cells always receive:
Question: 20
Which of the following does not match the characteristics of an Isotope?
Question: 21
A CPU can directly understand language.
Question: 22
In which city is the Unity Cup Cricket Tournament 2023 organized jointly by HUDCO and NBCC being held?
Question: 23
Which country has become the 31st member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?
Question: 24
Who climbed to the top of the list of the world's richest, with a net worth of $187 billion?
Question: 25
According to Indian Forest Status Report released February 2018, how much area in of India is covered by forests?

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