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Answering a Question :

  1. Procedure for answering a multiple choice (MCQ) type question:

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  8. After clicking the Save & Next button for the last question in a Section, you will automatically be taken to the first question of the next Section in sequence.

  9. You can move the mouse cursor over the name of a Section to view the answering status for that Section.


Duration: 10 min
Maximun Marks: 50
list of dynamic instructions


+0 -0
Question: 1

In the first 45 overs of a 50 over innings, the run rate was 5.8 runs per over. What is the required run rate in the remaining overs to reach the target of295 runs?

Question: 2
A vendor buys 6 bananas for Rs 25 and sells them at 3 for Rs 20. What is his profit percentage?
Question: 3
3/4 of marked price is equal to 5/6 of selling price. What is the discount percent?
Question: 4
After replacing an old member by a new member it is found that the average age of 5 members of a club is the same as it was 4years ago. The difference between the ages of the replaced and the new member is:
Question: 5
A box has 100 blue balls, 50 red balls, 50 black balls, 25% of blue balls and 50% of red balls are taken away. Percentage of black balls at present is
Question: 6
Simple interest on a certain sum for 6 years is 9/25 of the sum. The rate of interest is
Question: 7
Direction : What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following question?
85% of 95% of 4/5 of 2240=?
Question: 8
The driver of a car sees a bus 25 m ahead of him, After 16s, the bus is 55 m behind. If the speed of the car is 30 km/hr, what is the speed of the bus? Neglect the lengths of car and the bus
Question: 9
A can paint a house in 42 days and B can do it in 21 days. Along with C, they can finish the job in 7 days only. C alone can do the painting job in how many days?
Question: 10
P alone can complete the work in 5 days, Q alone can do same work in 6 days and R alone can do the same work in 12 days. They jointly complete the work and earn Rs 5400. What is the share of R?
Question: 11

If , then what is the value of ?

Question: 12

The area of trapezium is 1120 m sq. . If the parallel sides are in ratio of 6 : 8 and distance between parallel side is 32m, then the length of smaller parallel side is

Question: 13
Train A start from X and B from Y, the distance between X and Y is 600 km which is covered by train A and B with an average speed 100 and 120 km/h respectively. If train A starts 30 minute earlier than B. how far from X they will meet ( in meter )
Question: 14
In a family, a couple has a son and daughter. The age of the father is three times that of his daughter and the age of the son is half of his mother. The wife is nine years younger to her husband and the brother is seven years older than his sister. What is the age of the mother?
Question: 15

If , then what is the value of ?

Question: 16
If 7x - [3(2x - 3)]/2 = 1/2, then what is the value of x?
Question: 17
Find the LCM of 40, 50, 60, 80?
Question: 18

Question: 19
Each side of a rectangular field is reduced by 40%. By how much percent is the area of the field diminished?
Question: 20
Sides of a parallelogram are in the ratio 5 : 4. Its area is 1250 sq. units. Altitude on the greater side is 25 units. Altitude on the smaller side is
Question: 21
Directions : There are 3 digit numbers as given below. Answer the following questions based on these numbers.
546 487 745 887 836
If the digits in each number are arranged ascending order in left to right within the number, then which thus formed
Question: 22
What is the smallest value that must be added to 709, so that the resultant is a perfect square?
Question: 23
A bucket is filled with water such that the weight of bucket alone is 25% its weight when it is filled with water. Now some of the water is removed from the bucket and now the weight of bucket along with remaining water is 50% of the original total weight
Question: 24
The ratio of fail to pass student in a college in 4:5 if there is 25% increase in number of fail student and 50% increase in number of pass student . The final ratio of fail to pass is .
Question: 25
A shopkeeper buys milk at Rs. 36/litre and mixes 200ml/litre water in it. If he sells the mixture at Rs. 40/litre, find his percentage profit.
Question: 1
(i) A and B can speak Tamil and Malayalam.
(ii) C and D can speak English and Hindi.
(iii) B and D can speak Malayalam and Hindi.
(iv) A and C can speak Tamil and English.
One who speaks English, Hindi and Malayalam is
Question: 2
Sita is elder than Swapna. Lavanya is elder than Swapna but younger than Sita. Suvarna is younger than both Hari and Swapna, Swapna is elder than Hari. Who is the youngest ?
Question: 3
DIRECTION : Select the missing number from the given responses.
Question: 4
In the given figure, how many huts are covered and muddy?
Question: 5
In the following question, select the related word pair from the given alternatives.
77 : 84 : : 121 : ?
Question: 6
DIRECTION : Select the related letter/word/number from the given alternatives .
51. 8 : 62 : : 9 : ?
Question: 7
DIRECTION: Select the related letter/word/number from the given alternatives:
6 : 2 :: 8 : _?_
Question: 8
DIRECTION : Find the odd word/number/ letters/number pair from the given alternatives.
Question: 9
Pick the odd one out
Question: 10
In the following question, select the odd number from the given alternatives.
972, 835, 981, 623, 422
Question: 11
DIRECTION : In question, a series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
AZ, CX, EV, GT ___?___, KP, __?____.
Question: 12
In the question a statement is given, followed by two arguments, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true even if it seems to be atvariance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given arguments, if any, is a strong argument.
Should eating paan at public places be made punishable?
Argument I : Yes, people eat pan and spit and makes public places dirty.
Argument II : No, Indians love paan.
Question: 13
DIRECTION: In question, a series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
9 * 2 : 9 * 9 :: 9 × 5 : ?
Question: 14
In the following question, from the given alternative words, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.
Question: 15
If 27 * 4 = 77 and 31 * 9 = 239, then 21 * 6 = ?
Question: 16
In a code language, BACHELOR is written as SNMDIBBA. How will COHESION be written as in that language?
Question: 17
Pointing to a man Ms.Neerja said, "He is son of my brother`s wife`s husband." How is Neerja related to that man?
Question: 18
Devika started from point A in North direction. After walking for 5 m she turned to her left and walked 6 m. Now she turned to her left and walked 4 m after which she turned to her left again. Now she walked 5 m and turned to her right and walked 15 m. Now finally she turned to her left and after walking for 8 m, she stopped at point B. What is the distance AB?
Question: 19
In the question below, one or more statements are given, followed by four options, each giving a conclusion which may or may not follow. Choose the one that reflects the conclusion that follows.
People give flowers to someone when they have lost a family member.
Rajesh has recently lost his brother in an accident.
Question: 20
In each of the questions below, one or more statements are given, followed by four options, each giving a conclusion which may or may not follow. Choose the one that reflects the conclusion that follows.
When they both became famous, these two great writers were, to some extent, rivals, and those who read their books were divided into two camps. For though both are men of genius, they are men of widely differing genius.
Question: 21
From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded.
Question: 22
How many triangles are there in the given figure?
Question: 23
Four different positions of dice are as shown below. What number is opposite to face 3 ?
Question: 24
If a mirror is placed on the line AB, then which of the answer figures is the right image of the given figure?
Question: 25
A solid cube of 4 inches side length has been painted red, green and black on the pair of opposite faces. It has been cut into one-inch cubes. How many cubes have only two faces painted?
Question: 1
Direction : Find out the error, if any in question given in each set. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)
Tendulkar hit the ball so hardly (a) / that the fielders around him (b) / could not budge even a bit (c) / and it went over the boundary for six. (d) / No error (e)
Question: 2
Directions : In this question, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the word given in bold.
Question: 3
Directions : In this question, choose the word opposite in meaning to the word given in bold.
Question: 4
Directions : In this question, choose the word opposite in meaning to the word given in bold.
Question: 5
Directions : In this question, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.
Receiving guests warmly
Question: 6
Directions : In this question, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.
A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics etc.
Question: 7
Directions : In this question, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.
The shopping mall is a beehive of activity.
Question: 8
Directions : In this question, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.
take up the hatchet
Question: 9
Directions : In this question, four words are given out of which only one is misspelt. Find that mis-spelt word.
Question: 10
Directions : In this question, four words are given out of which only one is misspelt. Find that mis-spelt word.
Question: 11
Rearrange the following sentences in proper sequence to from a meaningful paragraph.
P : About 30 new hydro projects are now under execution with an installed capacity of 5,600 MW.
Q : However, with the rapid increase in demand for power, higher priority was given to the pithead super thermal power stations as their gestation period was smaller than that of the hydel schemes.
R : Many projects were taken up for execution after independence and at one time (1962-63), the capacity contribution from hydro schemes was equal to thermal schemes.
S : The first hydro generating unit in India was commissioned in Darjeeling (W.Bengal) in 1897.
Question: 12
Direction: Find out the error, if any in question given in each set. If there is no error, the answer is (e), i.e. No error. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)
I will give you either (a) / a pen or a book nor (b) / a computer because now (c) / I have no much money for this. (d) / No error (e)
Question: 13
Direction: In this question, the 1st and the last sentence of the passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentences and find out which of the four combinations is correct.
1. It is the responsibility of parents to teach the young moral values in life.
P. Many children take advantage of their parents’ busy schedule.
Q. This results in children’s ignorance of social values.
R. The reason behind it is that parents are quite busy nowadays.
S. Nowadays parents spend Very meagre time with children.
6. As such, the society is going away from the value system.
Question: 14
Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.
One rainy day I watched a neighbour ……….(1) to push her toddler in a pram with one hand and control her Doberman with the other. The dog didn’t want to get its feet wet and was refusing to walk. I was about to put on my jacket and offer (2) help when the trio disappeared (3) some hedges. When they reappeared, she (4) to have sorted out her problem: the toddler, attached to the dog’s leash, was (5) running through mud puddles, and the dog was in the pram.
Question: 15
Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.
One rainy day I watched a neighbour (1) to push her toddler in a pram with one hand and control her Doberman with the other. The dog didn’t want to get its feet wet and was refusing to walk. I was about to put on my jacket and offer……….(2) help when the trio disappeared (3) some hedges. When they reappeared, she (4) to have sorted out her problem: the toddler, attached to the dog’s leash, was (5) running through mud puddles, and the dog was in the pram.
Question: 16
Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.
One rainy day I watched a neighbour (1) to push her toddler in a pram with one hand and control her Doberman with the other. The dog didn’t want to get its feet wet and was refusing to walk. I was about to put on my jacket and offer (2) help when the trio disappeared……….(3) some hedges. When they reappeared, she (4) to have sorted out her problem: the toddler, attached to the dog’s leash, was (5) running through mud puddles, and the dog was in the pram.
Question: 17
Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.
One rainy day I watched a neighbour (1) to push her toddler in a pram with one hand and control her Doberman with the other. The dog didn’t want to get its feet wet and was refusing to walk. I was about to put on my jacket and offer (2) help when the trio disappeared (3) some hedges. When they reappeared, she……….(4) to have sorted out her problem: the toddler, attached to the dog’s leash, was (5) running through mud puddles, and the dog was in the pram.
Question: 18
Direction: In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.
One rainy day I watched a neighbour (1) to push her toddler in a pram with one hand and control her Doberman with the other. The dog didn’t want to get its feet wet and was refusing to walk. I was about to put on my jacket and offer (2) help when the trio disappeared (3) some hedges. When they reappeared, she (4) to have sorted out her problem: the toddler, attached to the dog’s leash, was……….(5) running through mud puddles, and the dog was in the pram.
Question: 19
Directions : In these questions, a part of the sentence is in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at 1, 2 and 3 which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer is
Kunal looked very manliness in his police uniform.
Question: 20
Directions : In these questions, a part of the sentence is in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at 1, 2 and 3 which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer is
Corruption is the most serious problem in India.
Question: 21
Directions: In these questions, the sentences have been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice.
They first sun-dried the garbage for one to three days to bring down the moisture level.
Question: 22
Directions: In these questions, the sentences have been given in Active/ Passive Voice. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice.
People felt that the police were corrupt.
Question: 23
Directions: In the following question, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect Speech. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Indirect/Direct Speech.
“I must hurry. My father is always furious if any one of us is late for meals”, she said.
Question: 24
Directions: In this question, sentence is given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four alternatives.
It is our duty to get ____ the truth.
Question: 25
Directions: In this question, sentence is given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four alternatives.
Few countries can __________ India in variety, colour and the richness of dance forms.
Question: 1
In the Vedic period, which animal was known as “Aghanya”?
Question: 2
IRDA regulates
Question: 3
Inventory is valued at_________.
Question: 4
Arrange the following features formed by rivers in its course starting from upstream
4.Oxbow lake
Select the correct answer using the codes given below
Question: 5
The wide treeless grassy plain in South America are called
Question: 6
The `ring of fire` : associated with earthquakes associated with volca noes
3.goes round the Pacific Ocean associated with forest fires
Question: 7
Who among the following Muslim rulers is known for his military campaigns in Central Asia and for the construction of the `Badauni Baoli` in Delhi?
Question: 8
The author of the Book Titled `The Future of India`, is :
Question: 9
Which apparatus is used to measure the intensity of light?
Question: 10
Authors in English from which of the following countries are not eligible to be considered for the Booker Prize?
Question: 11
The term 7/7 is related with which of the following terrorist attack in the history of terrorist attacks ?
Question: 12
Which of the following is a source of biofertilizer?
Question: 13
“Lona” is related to which game?
Question: 14
Who one of the following was associated with ‘Kamagatamaru episode’?
Question: 15
Name the rebel who fought against the British in the battle of Chinhat in the course of the 1857 Revolt?
Question: 16
Give reason as to why relative density has no unit:
Question: 17
What is the period covered by the recommendation of the 12th Finance Commission?
Question: 18
Which among the following in India have been referred to as “Glorified Municipalities” by critics?
Question: 19
Meena and Hari observed an animal in their garden. Hari called it an insect while Meena said it was an earthworm. Choose the character from the following which confirms that it is an insect.
Question: 20
Chemically Dry Ice is
Question: 21
____ technology is used for flat panel displays.
Question: 22
In which country did scientists discover evidence of a previously unknown ancient marsupial called Mukupirna fortidentata?
Question: 23
Which planet is NASA training four people to live on in June 2023?
Question: 24
On which date is the International Day of Zero Waste celebrated?
Question: 25
What does the high Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) indicates?

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